It’s more than ChatGPT (o.c!)- AI conversation with Prof Carmine Ventre

In the 5th and final AI conversation for 23-24, Professor Carmine Ventre, Director of King’s Institute for AI helped us all zoom out a little in our consideration of what AI is actually all about. In this conversation, we spoke about AI in business, conceptions of AI amongst academic staff and students and the role of the Institute.

On King’s Institute for AI

“The idea was to connect researchers, educators, students, policymakers, and the wider public to foster collaborations, research, and develop an understanding of the application of AI in society.”

On defining AI in higher education

“Is the definition or the narrow definition of AI a problem for students? Yes, it is because they’re only going to see one particular aspect that’s about generating text and not about many other things that AI can do and already does, actually.”

On bot cartels

“there is an emergent behavior of two agents interacting in [a] market that lets them converge to a cartel equilibrium. So to make more money they’re not competing and they’re charging us more!”

Follow this link to listen to (and watch if you wish) the whole conversation

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