Responsible AI Use: A Call to Reflection and Action

To watch / listen to the recording access the KCL media pages here

Nb. The summary below was generated from the transcript via Claude with a prompt focussing on the issues highlighted by Dr Bentley.

As AI continues to permeate various aspects of our lives, it is crucial to engage with its responsible use and consider the broader social and ethical implications. In this discussion (the fift in King’s Academy series: AI Conversations) , Dr Caitlin Bentley, a lecturer in AI Education at King’s College London, highlighted several critical issues surrounding the responsible adoption of AI technologies.

Privatisation and Commercialisation of AI
One of the major concerns raised by Dr Bentley is the rapid privatisation and commercialisation of AI technologies. With large technology companies capturing much of the technological infrastructure, driven by a surveillance-driven business model, there is a risk of solidifying the position of a few dominant players. This could lead to a lack of diversity and potential biases in AI systems.

Language Representation and Preservation
Another important issue highlighted is the impact of AI on less-used or less-resourced languages. Dr Bentley emphasised the need to monitor and ensure that AI tools do not inadvertently accelerate the disappearance of linguistic diversity. Initiatives aimed at preserving and representing these languages in AI systems are crucial.

Academic Integrity and Meaningful Learning
While the focus on academic integrity concerning AI tools like large language models is valid, Dr Bentley suggests that it might also indicate underlying issues within educational programmes. If students feel the need to turn to AI for assistance, it could signify a lack of meaningful engagement or relevance in the learning experience. Educators should reflect on creating more engaging and relevant curricula.

Responsible Use and Social Justice
Despite the potential challenges, Dr Bentley firmly believes that AI can be used for social good and to advance social justice. She highlighted examples of students using AI to create culturally relevant learning materials, assist insulin pump users, and develop multidisciplinary workshops on AI and sustainable development.

Call to Action: Reflection, Action Planning, and Research
To positively and responsibly engage with AI, Dr Bentley recommends a process of reflection, action planning, and research. This includes:

  • Engaging with communities and considering the impacts of AI on society.
  • Developing personal ethical stands and understanding one’s power to influence change.
  • Collaborating with others who share similar interests in driving positive and responsible AI use.
  • Utilising toolkits and resources (Dr Bentley is working on building toolkits for reflection, expected to be available by August)

UKRI Responsible Artificial Intelligence UK (RAI UK) programme.

    Watch/ listen to the rest of the conversations here

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